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British TV dramas, with their unique sense of humor, delicate plots and rich cultural connotations, are attracting more Chinese audiences, especially young people. As they say, those who watch British series despise those who watch American ones; the Americans despise those who watch Japanese shows; and the Japanese disdains those who watch South Korean ones. Let's have a look at some of the most popular British TV shows in China. 凭借私有的幽默感、精妙的故事情节和丰富的文化内涵,英国电视剧正蛊惑着越来越多的中国不雅众,尤其是年青不雅众。如他们所言,看英剧的瞧不起看好意思剧的;看好意思剧的瞧不起看日剧的;看日剧的瞧不起看韩剧的。今天伦理电影有哪些,咱们就来望望在中国最受接待的一些英剧吧。
Sherlock 《神探夏洛克》
Talking about the top ranking British TV series, Sherlock will be definitely on the list. According to statistics provided by Youku.com, the video website where the TV program was initially released with Chinese subtitles, viewership for Sherlock's third season premiere totaled 89.73 million people, making it one of the most popular TV shows on the web. 提及东说念主气超高的英剧,《神探夏洛克》一定榜上闻明。视频网站优酷最早放出该剧的中翰墨幕版,该网站的数据败露,《神探夏洛克》第三季的首播集收视东说念主数达到了8973万,让此剧成为互联网上有史以来最多东说念主不雅看的剧集之一。
The BBC-produced videos are based on the classic detective stories in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle, and yet this time the setting is moved from the 19th century to the 21st century. The actors portraying the protagonists, Holmes and Dr. Watson, Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, have become new favorites for young people. 这部电视剧由英国播送公司(BBC)出品伦理电影有哪些,施行改编自亚瑟•柯南•说念尔的《福尔摩斯探案集》里的经典推理故事,不外此次故事布景从19世纪换成了21世纪。饰演主角福尔摩斯(Holmes)和华生大夫(Dr.Watson)的折柳是本尼迪克特•康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)和马丁•弗里曼(Martin Freeman),他们当今齐是中国年青东说念主心目中的新晋男神。